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L'école internationale Wotton House est basée au cœur de Gloucester et fait partie du groupe International Village Education. Notre mission est d'aider activement les enfants à développer la confiance, les compétences et les connaissances nécessaires pour s'épanouir dans le monde moderne.
Notre philosophie éducative est résumée dans le proverbe africain «il faut un village pour élever un enfant» - aider vos enfants à exceller dans le contexte de leurs communautés locales, nationales et mondiales. Cette philosophie incorpore trois idées liées:
L'éducation n'est pas seulement la responsabilité de l'enseignant mais aussi de la communauté au sens large; les enfants grandissent aujourd'hui dans un village mondial non réglementé et ont plus que jamais besoin de conseils pour s'y retrouver en toute sécurité
Être `` éduqué '' a de nombreuses facettes et angles, et que chaque enfant a de nombreux dons différents, qui ne sont pas tous satisfaits par l'apprentissage traditionnel en salle de classe.
Pour réaliser cette vision, nous intégrons trois éléments clés dans l'école:
un programme de connaissances solide, basé sur l'enquête - nous enseignons le programme de niveau intermédiaire du baccalauréat international avec la possibilité de passer des GCSE internationaux dans les années 10 et 11
technologie intégrée pour l'apprentissage
l'éducation en plein air comme partie intégrante de l'expérience scolaire de chaque enfant, via notre site partenaire The Wilderness Center.
Notre école doit explicitement fournir des réseaux de soutien, de connexions et de contacts; il ne suffit pas d'envoyer un enfant au monde avec rien d'autre que des certificats sous le bras

Nos objectifs sont donc de créer des enfants qui ont appris:
un sens de leur place dans leur communauté et une compréhension de leurs responsabilités dans leur monde
un esprit d'enthousiasme contagieux pour l'apprentissage, tout au long de nos activités d'apprentissage à l'école et en plein air
qualités telles que la tolérance, la résilience, le courage, le leadership, le courage, la patience, l'empathie et l'intelligence émotionnelle
compétences cognitives clés de la pensée critique, de l'argumentation, de la logique, des tests d'hypothèses, de l'évaluation des preuves et de la résolution de problèmes
une base de connaissances solide et un sens d'eux-mêmes en tant qu'érudit: un apprenant qui est fasciné par l'apprentissage pour lui-même.
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Ethos and Aims
Independent schools are required by law to have a Statement of Ethos and Aims (ISS 32(2)(d)). This is nonsense surely, unless by 'ethos' is meant something like 'religious or other belief'? Ethos in a school is not something that can be explicitly 'statemented'; it is the underlying and intangible 'character' or 'habits', the culture and atmosphere of a school.
We hope and believe that all stakeholders in the school recognise and appreciate the atmosphere of mutual respect, kindness and encouragement, laughter and enthusiasm.
We can contribute to and steer the culture of the school by outlining and promoting our Goals and we do this through these three pairs of statements: Mission and Motto; Vision and Values; Aims and Objectives.
In an age out of harmony we are building a diverse community of enthusiastic, questioning learners who develop Head, Heart and Hands through real-world learning to the betterment of Humanitas, or society as a whole. We value equally the three 'real-worlds': digital, cultural and natural.
Our inspiration is Steve Jobs (1998): “Think different. Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently - they're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Because it takes an international village to raise global and grounded citizens, we want to become the flagship of an international network of progressive, human-scale, change-making schools which contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by empowering students through multidimensional, strengths-led learning to better themselves in order to better their communities.
We have no single word for this concept in English but in Ancient Greece it was called “Paidea”; in Enlightenment Germany it was called “Bildung”. The closest modern equivalent is the Danish concept of “Dannelse” which means creating active and aware citizens through educating head, heart and hands
To achieve our vision we have set ourselves these aims for the school:
To develop a multidimensional curriculum to prepare and safeguard our students for a radically different future world with unprecedented challenges for both mental and physical wellbeing.
To help families build resilient, healthy, altruistic children who will have a strong sense of the meaning and value of their lives.
To become part of a network of schools and colleges which values freedom, non-linearity and creativity - everything which distinguishes human from machine - but also respects traditions and the central importance of individual development as contributing to the greater goal of service to the community.
To provide a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment for the non-conformists, the free thinkers, the heretics, the contrarians, those who think differently. They will change the world.
"Better ourselves to better our worlds"
"pro nobis pro bono"
We believe that contemporary education needs to be:
Wholistic: rounded and multi-dimensional
International: global in outlook, diverse and rich
Sustainable: grounded in the earth and rooted in our physical being
Creative: able to dream and invent new solutions
To be the first-choice school in the region for international families
To grow to 120 students
To open a sixth-form college
To be rated consistently good or better by the inspectorates
To forge strong international connections with other IB schools
Four Pillars
This section looks at the Four Pillars which represent our deepest values, our non-negotiables, our principles. Many different organisations use a Four Quadrant model; the best known logo which uses four squares is Microsoft but very few people know what each square represents. By comparison the pentacostal FourSquare Church has a much more informational logo.
The word "Foursquare" resonates with positive overtones of firm, sturdy, bold, plainspeaking, forthright. These are all valuable qualities but they definitely lack subtlety. Nevertheless at the stage of outlining fundamental principles the subtleties can wait. Four legs are strong and useful, as Animal Farm famously says: "Four legs good, two legs bad".
This characterisation is not unique to us, of course. For example The Asha Centre, which is an adult education centre in the Forest of Dean, close to The Wilderness, identifies the same 'four pillars':
Learning through Head, Heart and Hands
Fostering a truly human global community.
Harnessing the power of Nature to learn and heal.
Nurturing creativity & innovation through the Arts.
It is an easy step to derive from the four fundamentals an acronym WHISC which echoes very strongly our name: Wotton House International SChool.
We deliberately use the spelling Wholistic rather than Holistic because the two spellings are diverging to become two different words with slightly different meanings.
Wholistic means taking into account every aspect, or facet, of a person, including body, mind and soul - this is what is meant by an education being 'well-rounded'. The word derives from Old English hal meaning 'uninjured or sound' ie hale and healthy.
This is not quite the same as Holistic which means being more concerned with the wholes than with the constituent parts - this is what is meant by an education being 'child-centred'. 'Holistic' was invented by Jan Smuts in 1926 from the Greek holos meaning whole or entire.